Hiding in Plain Sight, Cultivating a presence in your life

man hiding in plain sight

I recently heard this quote from a patient in session while describing herself during her active opiate abuse. I was struck by this, since many of us go about our daily lives “hiding.” Hiding from our more authentic selves, with great fear and constructed eg0-based identities. In this year of political pageantry, what is exposed is often talking heads, indirect communication and ad hominem  attacks – the personalities that intend to lead our society. We are a country that does not promote authenticity and mutuality at its core. Instead, we hold on to anything that deflects attention to our true self and draws focus to the restless, discontented self.

You know of situations when you meet an authentic person you sometimes say, “She has quite a presence about her!” Usually, you are not speaking about her physically – more of an impression of her “real-ness.” This is the opposite of hiding. To cultivate this presence we may choose to be more aware of what I am fearful of, and proceed to learn about the fear(s) and be intentional to expose them in plain sight – an expression of courage and strength.

Become aware of times when you may be “hiding in plain sight” and other times when you may be promoting a real presence in your life.  Avoid the trickery of the false self – it tells you to worry, to compare, to believe life isn’t fair, etc. Presence of self – your true self – will help you experience life in a vastly different way in each moment.

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