Specialized Treatment For You 

Career Management & Re-entry

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Gabe Lau, PhD, PE
Chief Operating Officer

Dr. Gabe Lau is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Providence Treatment Companies.

When a professional is engaged in active use with a substance use disorder, there often is workplace and career consequences. All too often there are issues that surface such as:
  • Lateness and attendance issues
  • Boundary issues
  • Complaints from colleagues, staff, and others
  • Failing to meet deadlines
  • Emotional instability and frustration tolerance

Professionals Program,
Treatment that Works!

At Providence Treatment, we actively assist you in getting back on track by focusing a portion of your treatment goals on your professional behaviors. You will have the opportunity to share with other professionals about your specific professional status, and whether you will be returning to the same position, or seeking another job or even another career. In our Recovery-oriented therapies, Providence Treatment understands the needs of professionals in early recovery from alcohol and drug use, depression, anxiety and family dysfunction. Our treatment addresses and facilitates individual, group and family therapies to decrease the struggles a person could have returning to work. Some of the interventions we could offer could be:
  • Collaboration with employers, training directors, etc. with our client’s authorization
  • Advocacy and recommendations for workplace accommodations 
  • Involve family in the transition to return to work
  • Prioritizing recovery activities upon re-entry to the workplace
Providence Treatment is committed to helping its clients to safely return to work, while focusing on recovery activities. We have helped hundreds of professionals to achieve both their recovery and professional goals!

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