Table of Contents

Gabe Lau, PhD, PE
Chief Operating Officer
Dr. Gabe Lau is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Providence Treatment Companies.

PRAXIS is an innovative and strictly confidential resource for physicians and other licensed professionals that advances healthy workplace practices, personal enrichment, wellness and skill-based training that contributes to the professional development of its participants. PRAXIS provides well designed workshops and conferences to address problematic issues such as:
- Boundary violations
- Communication concerns
- Interpersonal Difficulties
- Burnout/Career dissatisfaction
- Behavioral impairment
- Lack of empathy
- Anger and impulsive behaviors
At times, the highly trained professional is challenged to navigate the interpersonal and cultural environments of their workplace. Unfortunately, all too often, this type of training is not offered in the curriculum of their respective training programs. PRAXIS has designed a highly researched and evidence-based curriculum, consistent with the Joint Commission’s Disruptive Behavior Standard (2009) and Sentinel alert #40. PRAXIS addresses topics such as:
- Professionalism training
- The importance of proper professional boundaries
- Empathy and Sensitivity Training
- Emotional Intelligence
- Adaptive communication techniques
- Stress management
- Workplace safety
- Anger management
- Conflict resolution
- Mindfulness and meditation training
PRAXIS is an excellent resource for workplace Wellness Committees, Human Resources Departments, Physician Health Programs, or Executive Coaches. Many of our referrals come from colleagues, staff, hospital administration, patients and their families. PRAXIS offers best practice, multi-modal workshops and conferences customized to the participant and their presenting concerns, or the concerns of others. The goal is for the participant to return to practice with enhanced coping skills and interpersonal competencies.
PRAXIS also provides a fitness for duty letter when requested, along with any professional recommendations for the participant.
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