Specialized Treatment For You

Executive Sober Living

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Gabe Lau, PhD, PE
Chief Operating Officer

Dr. Gabe Lau is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Providence Treatment Companies.

Providence Recovery House: The Best of Philadelphia Sober Living

Providence Recovery House is proud to offer executive sober living services to professional women and men seeking comfort and support during the early phase of their recovery. Our residents enjoy an active lifestyle while being committed to a rigorous treatment program and daily recovery activities.

Located in the Western suburbs, our Philadelphia executive sober living is only a five-minute walk to the commuter train, or a stroll to Downtown Media.

The History of Our Philadelphia Sober Living

Providence Recovery House was the original project of Providence Treatment. In 2013, co-founder William Heran, PhD, LCSW, began searching the tri-state area for a sober living home to meet the needs of healthcare professionals in early recovery. After assessing the options of sober living in the region, he and his team decided to establish Providence Recovery House committed to holding its sober living residents in Philadelphia to the highest form of accountability and treatment – all while providing a high level of comfort.

Offering Customized Help for Professionals

Philadelphia Sober Living:
What Makes Providence Work

Today, Providence Recovery House has a very high recovery rate with its current residents and alumni. 

What makes us so effective? We offer our clients the following to support their long-term sobriety:

  • A structured, predictable sober environment and peer directed accountability from a healthy community with a common goal: to remain in sobriety from alcohol and drugs
  • A professional laboratory monitoring program that requires each resident to check daily for random alcohol and drug testing as a form of relapse prevention. Individuals who participate in a monitoring program over a three-plus year period have a significant increase in their chances to sustain their recovery, according to research.
  • House managers trained to support each resident’s recovery program. On weekdays, they provide nutritious, freshly made meals for our Philadelphia sober living community; residents prepare meals on the weekends.
  • High standards. We expect residents to occupy their day either with a job or a volunteer opportunity. We feel it’s important for anyone in recovery to experience the importance of work, no matter the job.

Why Executive Sober Living at Providence?

The word providence means “the preparation for future eventualities while attending to spiritual awareness and growth.”

At Providence Recovery House, we assist each resident with adaptive and recovery-oriented coping strategies and twelve-step program adherence, as well as daily practices that support a life of recovery and life’s gifts and challenges within a spiritual program of awakening and action.

Our executive sober living also encourages and incorporates daily recovery activities for our residents. These include giving back, mindfulness meditation, and recovery meetings. We also set attainable daily goals that reflect a strategy toward a sustainable recovery and personal wellness. In addition, we provide career management and re-entry to keep you on track.

Interested in our Philadelphia sober living opportunities? Then reach out to our caring staff today at 484-469-9592.

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How Does Sober Living
Work For Medical Professionals?

Sober living designed specifically for working medical professionals offers a range of benefits tailored to the unique needs and challenges they face in recovery. Some of these benefits include:

Sober living facilities provide a structured and supportive environment conducive to recovery. For medical professionals, this structured environment can help establish healthy routines and habits, ensuring they maintain sobriety while juggling demanding work schedules.

Sober living facilities often consist of individuals at various stages of recovery, providing medical professionals with a supportive community of peers who understand the pressures and stressors inherent in their profession. This peer support can be invaluable in navigating challenges and staying accountable in sobriety.

Sober living facilities designed for medical professionals recognize the importance of confidentiality and professional understanding. Individuals can feel safe disclosing their profession and discussing their unique challenges without fear of judgment or stigma.

Sober living facilities catering to medical professionals may offer access to specialized resources and services tailored to their needs. This can include access to healthcare professionals familiar with addiction medicine, specialized therapy or counseling programs, and support groups specifically for medical professionals.

Sober living for medical professionals may incorporate opportunities for continued professional development, such as workshops, seminars, or educational resources. This not only supports their recovery but also allows them to stay engaged and connected to their profession.

Sobriety is essential for maintaining licensure and career stability in the medical field. Sober living provides a supportive environment where individuals can focus on their recovery while simultaneously fulfilling professional obligations and responsibilities.

Medical professionals often face high levels of stress and pressure in their work. Sober living programs can offer resources and guidance on stress management techniques, coping skills, and self-care practices to help individuals effectively manage stress without resorting to substance use.

Sober living programs typically assist individuals in transitioning back to their professional roles gradually. This may involve support in navigating workplace stressors, managing triggers, and developing strategies to maintain sobriety while returning to work responsibilities.

Sober living designed for working medical professionals provides a supportive and understanding environment where individuals can focus on their recovery while receiving the specialized care and resources needed to navigate the unique challenges of their profession.

Contact Providence Treatment To
Learn More About Sober Living

Sober living programs tailored specifically for working medical professionals offer a myriad of benefits that address the unique challenges individuals face in their journey to recovery. By providing a structured and supportive environment, access to peer support, specialized resources, and professional understanding, these programs empower medical professionals to maintain sobriety while navigating the demands of their profession. Moreover, they facilitate continued professional development, stress management, and the development of coping skills crucial for long-term recovery and career stability. Ultimately, sober living for medical professionals not only supports individuals in their personal healing but also contributes to the overall well-being and safety of patients, colleagues, and the healthcare community as a whole.

At Providence Treatment, we offer Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient, and general Outpatient addiction treatment services designed exclusively for working professionals. Contact our admissions team today to learn more about how we can help you overcome your addiction and get back to work.

Begin your journey toward clean and sober living today.