Spiritual Direction and Assessment

Table of Contents

Gabe Lau, PhD, PE
Chief Operating Officer

Dr. Gabe Lau is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Providence Treatment Companies.

Spiritual Direction and Silent Retreats

Providence Treatment encourages each patient to cultivate spiritual practices in their lives while they are in the process of transformation from active use of alcohol and drugs. For this reason, we offer spiritual counseling as part of our addiction treatment services. Some of the practices we recommend include the following:

  • Mindfulness training
  • Meditation
  • Loving Kindness practice (Meta)
  • Centering Prayer
  • Lectio Divina
  • Silence and stillness
  • Non-duality practices
  • Charity work
  • Daytime treatment programs
  • Daily prayer and conscious presence

Our CEO, Dr. Heran facilitates spiritually-based groups and individual sessions to support each patient with their individual spiritual practice plan. Recovery is spirituality at its core, so we believe that incorporating spirituality into the treatment is critical and aids in sustainable recovery rates.

Offering Customized Help for Professionals

At Providence Treatment, our staff supports recovery in different ways. We encourage and facilitate active 12-step recovery involvement. We know that personality features, ways in which we have learned to relate to others, can be significant barriers to stable, long-term recovery. Self-exploration and self-understanding, while not sufficient for recovery, are an important part of the spiritual growth and transformation necessary for sustained progress. The Enneagram is a guide for self-discovery to nurture acceptance and expression of our true nature or essence. It is a personality matrix based on ancient wisdom. This matrix helps us see the truth about ourselves as well as let go of ego agendas and defenses. This helps to move us toward ongoing practices that support both personal and spiritual development.

The Enneagram offers a tool to engage our clients in a self-exploration process that is framed in spiritual, rather than purely psychological language. The concepts used by Enneagram work are non-pejorative, and affirm the individual’s ability to move from deformative expression of traits to healthy, spiritually formative expression. Because the Enneagram is offered for self-exploration, it helps engage the individual in a self-motivated change process, much more than psychological diagnostic instruments can do. The Enneagram is a useful adjunct to step work, especially in the 4th, 5th and 6th steps, as well as in the daily 10th step work of self-review.

Silent Retreats

Providence Treatment sponsors weekend (1-day) silent retreats. These retreats promote stillness and a deeper relationship with yourself and your Higher Power – however you understand it to be. The retreats are designed to take you out of your busy, noisy lives and bring you to a place of stillness and quiet – where you may find serenity and peace.

Spirituality can be an invaluable tool in your recovery. To find out more about silent retreats and spiritual counseling at Providence, call 866-247-3307 today.

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