Intensive Family Therapy

Addiction Affects the Whole Family

Addiction is a family disease. The clinicians at Providence Treatment dedicate themselves to the recovery of both the clients and their families through intensive family therapy. When a person is active in their alcoholic and drug-addicted behaviors, the family system is extremely stressed. The communication is usually an offensive-defensive style. This often includes a great deal of dishonesty on the part of the addict and “finger pointing” on the part of the family members.

In early recovery, the family system is also unstable. The communication is usually guarded and fear-based. Sometimes the family members have a need to control the addict by checking in if they are attending meetings, working a program, etc. The alcoholic or drug addict is unsure whether they can ever repair their relationships with their loved ones. Of course, intensive family therapy can help mend these broken lines of communication.

Offering Customized Help for Professionals

Intensive Family Therapy at Providence Treatment

At Providence Treatment, we conduct customized intensive psychoeducational and experiential treatment to assist our clients and their family toward a healthier place in their relationship going forward. Look at it as a fresh start for everyone involved.

The program is based on Dr. Murray Bowen’s family therapy theory, as well as other family systems research. We utilize best practice and also address the specific issues that emerge in each intensive session.

The clinicians at Providence understand that repairing family relationships is a vital part of addiction treatment. Recovery is virtually impossible without a solid support system. However, once family members understand how to best support their loved one, sustaining sobriety becomes that much more achievable.

Intensive family therapy is just one aspect of our integrated care model. For more information about family therapy or any of our other addiction treatment services, give Providence Treatment a call at 866-247-3307.

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