When Completing Residential Treatment

a man stares into an open door wondering what to do when completing residential treatment


When Completing Residential Treatment

Often when an individual completes the residential treatment, there remains unresolved issues, especially with their spouse, children and other family members. We know an alcoholic and addict in early recovery requires more support and a higher degree of accountability to sustain a recovery and ensure ongoing sobriety. Stress related to family relationships can be a major trigger and a source of stress returning back to their home. Returning home too soon may contribute to emotional instability, unnecessary conflicts and even relapse! It is stressful enough for the professional thinking about returning to work and facing all the challenges related to their workplace.  When discussing aftercare in primary treatment with your healthcare provider,  it is best to consider an executive sober living residence as on option going forward to continue the good work they have begun with you.
Providence Treatment is a Pennsylvania State licensed and Joint Commission accredited, 12-Step driven partial hospitalization (PHP) and intensive outpatient programs (IOP), sensitive to the needs of patients with issues related to PTSD, multiple relapses and family instability. Some of the value added services available to clients are: acupuncture, trauma yoga, medical massage, biofeedback/neurofeedback, mindfulness meditation training, psychiatric services, and much more.
We also have an executive, ten-bed sober living residence for professional men (Providence Recovery House) in the suburb of Philadelphia. Every resident participates in a supportive community setting with other men in early recovery and commits to a rigorous program of personal transformation! The resident also participates in a random, laboratory-based urine and blood monitoring program with a GPS enabled mobile app for daily meeting attendance.
Our outpatient treatments adopt an evidence-based systematic and integrative programming with an emphasis on: mood stabilization, trauma concerns and relapse prevention and intensive family work. Each client receives individual, group and family therapy while they are in residence with Providence. Our goal is to assist the clients to commit to the elements of a sustainable recovery from alcohol or drug use, making it ideal to equip them for lifelong recovery and safely returning to home and their careers..
Please contact us today to discuss any possible referrals for sober living and treatment at (866) 247-3307.

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