Finding Drug Rehab Centers for Veterinarians

If you are a working professional struggling with addiction, finding the right type of treatment center can be difficult, especially when you are apprehensive about meeting with people who don’t understand the factors that may have contributed to your addiction, like a difficult work schedule. With the right type of career-specific treatment, you’ll be surrounded by like-minded individuals who understand your perspective and can support you on your journey to recovery. If you are a veterinarian seeking a drug rehab program tailored to the needs of your profession, consider Providence Treatment. As one of the best drug rehab centers on the East Coast, we provide specialized drug rehab programs for working professionals. Keep reading to learn why we stand out among drug rehab centers for veterinarians.

What Are Drug Rehab Centers for Veterinarians?

Drug rehab centers for veterinarians are just that: rehab centers that offer specific treatment for veterinarians. These treatment programs are designed to meet the needs of veterinarians with elements like:

  • Group therapy where all the participants in a given session are also veterinarians
  • Flexible schedules so that you can accommodate your treatment while still working
  • Cooperation with employers if you have licensing requirements that you are trying to maintain but you need your drug rehab center to vouch for the completion of your program

These types of treatment centers are designed by working professionals for working professionals. They generally include an emphasis on group therapy, with access to several types of group therapy sessions that include individuals who are also working professionals like veterinarians. By participating in discussions with other veterinarians, you can have a more honest conversation about the specific factors that can contribute to addiction in your field.

Benefits of Drug Rehab Centers for Veterinarians

When you find a drug rehab program that’s designed specifically for a working professional like a veterinarian, it means you are more likely to find a flexible schedule. While most treatment centers will note that they have flexible scheduling, many of those facilities only offer partial hospitalization programs for two weeks at a time or intensive outpatient programs that meet part-time but do so during the day.

As a working professional, you might not be able to step away from your practice during the day for an intensive outpatient program. It might not matter how easily you can incorporate an extra nine or 10 hours into your week if those hours are not designed around regular business hours. 

The same goes for those who are looking to complete a partial hospitalization program. You might be doing this because your job requires a long-term level of support beyond just a week or two. This could be a requirement to keep your veterinary license or to maintain your clinic. If the generic treatment center you look into only offers short-term programs, that might not be enough for you. However, programs designed specifically for veterinarians understand those needs and can accommodate them.

Find Drug Rehab Centers for Veterinarians with Providence Treatment

At Providence Treatment, we have several locations, each of which provides specialized programs for working professionals like veterinarians. Clients can benefit from our several levels of care, designed so you can keep your license and practice going:

  • Our partial hospitalization program (PHP) is around 20 hours per week, the perfect part-time addition to your schedule
  • Our intensive outpatient program (IOP) is around nine hours per week, so you can still receive the support you need with half the time commitment
  • Our outpatient rehab and aftercare programs keep you connected to other professionals through resources like 12-step programs

We use evidence-based and group therapy designed specifically for veterinarians. With cohort settings, you are surrounded by other veterinarians who understand the hectic schedule and high-stress demands of your job. Whether you participate in the PHP or IOP level of care, you can find options in the evenings if you want to return to work but still get the support you need for long-term sobriety.

What’s more, at Providence Treatment, we provide career management and re-entry services. We collaborate with employers to decide when you might be fit enough to return to work if addiction was a factor that led to poor performance or suspension.

Finding drug rehab centers for veterinarians offers access to several benefits, not least of which is being able to openly participate in a program designed around your schedule with like-minded individuals. The right program will let you work your way back toward full-time employment or maintain employment while getting the help you deserve.

Contact Providence Treatment today to learn more about our programs for veterinarians.

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