The Role of Medication-Assisted Treatment in Outpatient Rehab

Successful outpatient rehab programs feature several important components. While programs like traditional and holistic therapy and 12-step support groups can be very effective in helping people stay sober, there may be instances where some clients need more help. In the past few years, there has been an increase in medication-assisted treatment in outpatient rehab.

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) can be an excellent complement to outpatient treatment programs.

This article will focus on medication-assisted treatment in outpatient rehab as well as its benefits. If you are seeking outpatient care and are interested in MAT programs, call Providence Treatment today. We offer MAT and other evidence-based programs that are personalized to help you fully recover from addiction. If you would like to learn more about our effective outpatient rehab in Boston and Philadelphia, call us today to learn more. 

What Are Medication-Assisted Treatment Programs?

If you are unfamiliar with MAT, this section will explain this important program in greater detail. As defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA), medication-assisted treatment features the use of medications along with counseling and behavioral therapy to help treat substance abuse in clients. The medications used are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), thoroughly tested and researched, and tailored to meet each client’s needs.

SAMHSA also states that studies show the effectiveness of combining medications and therapy to help people recover from substance abuse. The use of medications in this capacity helps with client retention in treatment and decreases the use of opioids and other substances. It is important to note that clients can enter a MAT program only after experienced medical staff conduct a thorough evaluation and find they are a good candidate for this form of treatment. 

It is also important to note the medications that are commonly used in medication-assisted treatment in outpatient rehab. These medications include buprenorphine and naltrexone. For those recovering from alcohol abuse, they may be given medications such as disulfiram, acamprosate, or naltrexone. While these medications have a low potential for addiction, they still are carefully administered by experienced medical staff.

What Are The Benefits Of Medication-Assisted Treatment in Outpatient Rehab?

A medication-assisted outpatient rehab program can help ease a client’s transition out of addiction by providing a safety net for their bodies to adjust to changes in brain chemistry. The benefits of medication-assisted treatment in outpatient rehab includes the following:

  • Guidance from a licensed professional can bring clarity and confidence in the recovery process, allowing clients to focus on their overall recovery.
  • There are a variety of medications that can help ease withdrawal symptoms and cravings. If a client is experiencing any side effects from a drug, a licensed professional can recommend a new prescription or dosage.
  • With medication-assisted treatment, more patients are able to maintain employment.

There are also additional benefits for undergoing a medication-assisted treatment program in an outpatient setting, which include:

  •  Reducing drug overdose and death
  •  Decreased illegal activity such as doctor shopping, stealing prescriptions, or forging a doctor’s signature to obtain medications
  •  Increased retention in treatment programs and higher success rates

While using medication-assisted therapy can be effective, it is not a stand-alone treatment program. MAT programs are effective when combined with evidence-based therapies and counseling. As already stated, entry into a medication-assisted therapy program will only occur under recommendation of experienced treatment professionals. 

Find Lasting Happiness In Recovery WIth Help From Providence Treatment

MAT programs can be very effective for clients who struggle in traditional treatment programs. If you or a loved one are in desperate need of drug treatment, call Providence Treatment right now. We are a top drug rehab on the East Coast offering a wide range of evidence-based outpatient treatment programs, including medication-assisted treatment for substance abuse, dual diagnosis treatment, detox planning, and relapse prevention.

Don’t wait another day to address your substance abuse issues. Make the commitment to your long-term health and well-being and call the professionals at Providence Treatment today.

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