Providence Treatment’s 2nd Bi-Annual Silent Retreat

Providence Treatment's 2nd Bi-Annual Silent Retreat

Dr. Greg Gable and Rev, Sandy Morris co-facilitated a Silent Retreat at Pendle Hill Retreat Center, Wallingford PA.

Providence Treatment sponsored its 2nd bi-annual Silent Retreat at Pendle Hill Retreat Center in Wallingford, Pennsylvania. The retreat’s topic was “Letting go, and letting go some more. The Third Step.” Dr. Greg Gable and Rev, Sandy Morris facilitated this relaxing and meaningful experience for the retreatants.

Silent Retreat: 3rd Step

Providence Treatment is dedicated to the spiritual development of its clients. Many of the retreatants were residents of our sober living residence, while others were patients of Dr. Heran’s and their spouses actively involved in Alanon Fellowship.  We offer a retreat twice a year to encourage our clients to practice contemplative silence and meditation, while learning more about a 12-Step Recovery topic. This retreat focused on Step 3 of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous which is: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him. Greg and Sandy facilitated a teaching on the importance of making such a decision for the discovery of our true self and to sustain a spiritually based recovery from substance use disorder, or any other discontentment.

Some of the responses from the retreatants were: “I haven’t slowed down like this in a avery long time,” and  “the exercise was very helpful and I learned more about myself,” and “the food was great!” Overall, the retreat was a success and the retreatants were able to embrace the silence of the day and observe nature and their inner worlds.

Providence Treatment encourages our clients to cultivate spiritual practices in their lives while they are in the process of transformation from active use of alcohol and/or drugs.  If you are interested in learning more about our silent retreat or our spirituality program, please send us an email at [email protected]

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