Why Sleep Matters

Man who knows why sleep matters

Working on fixing your sleep habits is an essential part of your recovery. And, like exercise, the health benefits are bountiful. Sleeping restores your mind and body, allowing the healing to begin. A good night’s slumber helps your heart, weight, memory, decision-making, mood, and more.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t get enough: Nearly half of the population falls short on the recommended seven to nine hours a night — and substance abusers get an average of 5.5 hours. Getting too much slumber can also be harmful; sleeping too much is a sign of depression. But, for most of us, more shut-eye equals a happier, healthier you.

Here we look at a few of the many benefits of sleep for your overall health and lasting sobriety:

You’ll be in a better mood. A poor night’s sleep makes the best of us grumpy, especially if you’re plagued with insomnia night after night.

You’ll learn better. While you snooze, your mind is busy strengthening memories or “practice” skills learned while you’re awake.

You’ll be more focused on your recovery efforts. The more tired you are, the harder it is to concentrate.

You’ll be less at risk for anxiety and depression. It’s pretty simple: With sleep comes better emotional stability.

You’ll have healthier skin. Good news if you’re suffering from skin spots, acne, or premature aging due to years of drug and alcohol abuse.

You’ll have a better immune system. In one study, participants who slept less than seven hours per night were three times more likely to catch a common cold.

You’ll feel less pain. Poor sleep can make you more sensitive to pain, which can lead to a dangerous cycle for someone with chronic pain.

You’ll be less easily irritated or upset. And this is especially true when it comes to sweating the small stuff. One study showed that sleep deprivation may amplify negative emotions caused by small annoyances like interruptions.

More Recovery Tools
At Providence, we offer clients an Aftercare Integration Program (AIS) designed to give them the tools to manage stress, time, and more as they return to their careers. To find out more, call today: (866) 247-3307.

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