President Biden Recognizes National Recovery Month

President Biden Recognizes National Recovery Month

September is National Recovery Month

In a recent proclamation from the White House, President Biden formally recognized September as National Recovery Month. In this message, he stated his commitment to helping communities prevent substance use disorder through funding, policy, and advocacy. Here are the highlights from this message, and what this commitment might mean for communities fighting substance use disorder in the United States.


Addressing Obstacles to Recovery

In the statement about National Recovery Month, the Biden administration addressed different roadblocks people with substance use disorder face that can be tackled by public policy and resource allocation.

“For many struggling with untreated addiction, securing reliable housing and long-term employment can be a challenge, restoring relationships can take time, and treatment and recovery services can be expensive and hard to find,” the statement said.

The statement went on to emphasize the way Native American tribal communities, rural communities, and people of color are heavily impacted by substance use disorder. These communities are not only at a disadvantage in accessing resources, the administration said, but they often face greater legal penalties for addiction-related charges as well.

Funding to Generate More Resources

The White House’s National Recovery Month statement outlined newly allocated funds from Congress to support addiction treatment and prevention. As a part of this, $22 billion will go towards:

  • Drug abuse prevention,
  • Substance use disorder treatment, and
  • Recovery support services.

These efforts will primarily focus on the aforementioned underserved communities. The Biden administration also committed an additional $4 billion investment from the American Rescue Plan towards the expansion of community organizations, recovery high schools, collegiate treatment programs, and residential facilities.


National Recovery Month: New Policies

As a part of their recovery support plan, the message emphasized the need for policies that make it easier for people who have struggled with substance use disorder to enter the workforce. This involves the creation of “recovery-ready” workplaces for employers to help with the treatment process and retain talent. Through the United States Department of Health’s first behavioral health Recovery Innovation Challenge, community and peer-run programs will be awarded funds in order to support their efforts in promoting sobriety.

The statement also outlined stronger policies to be enforced at the nation’s borders to prevent harmful synthetic drugs and opioids from entering American communities. The executive branch intends to target drug trafficking by disrupting financial networks that fuel the illegal drug market. They also informed citizens of an intention to create policies supporting greater access to mental health and recovery services.


Sentiments for National Recovery Month

As President Biden officially named September “National Recovery Month,” he expressed the difficulty and courage that getting sober requires. His statement thanked recovery support professionals, counselors, specialists, first responders, scientists, and family members for their tireless efforts to promote freedom from addiction. Biden went on to say that we collectively owe it to the family and community members lost to substance use to actively promote lasting freedom from substance use disorder.

This formal declaration will likely result in greater resources and expanded programs available for people struggling with substance use disorder in the United States. With financial and legislative backing from the federal government, advocacy groups and treatment facilities across the country will have an easier time reaching, treating, and empowering those who struggle with this disease.


Outpatient Addiction Treatment in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Hawaii

If you or someone you know struggles with substance use disorder, there are many treatments available to support recovery. Contact Providence Treatment today to talk about the journey to healing.

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