Providence Treatment is Recipient of 2018 Outstanding Clinical Care Award

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(MEDIA, PA – July 24, 2018) – Providence Treatment is proud to be the recipient of 2018 Outstanding Clinical Care Award which will be presented at the National Conference on Addiction Disorders (NCAD) in August 2018 at Disneyland, California.
This award honors exemplary clinical efforts targeting high-need and challenging populations such as healthcare physicians, pilots and lawyers. Providence Treatment offers highly structured addiction treatment programs, designed with a high degree of accountability. Their programs support and help the professionals obtain the clarity they seek and the knowledge to maintain a sustained recovery program and return to their profession with the requisite skills and safety.
Extended care and strong ties to the authorities that determine clients’ return to their profession are some of the keys to Providence Treatment’s success. Clients generally move through the organization’s various levels of support over a period that extends past a full year. Therefore the Pennsylvania Boards of Medicine, Nursing (PNAP) and Pharmacy (SARPH), Physicians Health Programs (PA-PHP), the Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional Licensing (PA-PHMP), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and HIMS program utilize their treatment programs, due to its rigorous programming and structure.

About Providence Treatment

Providence Treatment is a State licensed and Joint Commission accredited, multi-level, substance use and behavioral health treatment program for healthcare and other professionals in need of a highly structured, customized assessment and ongoing care. Located in Media, PA, Providence Treatment offers personalized services for physicians (HCPs), medical students and residents, attorneys, pilots and other professionals and executives and their families affected by the disease of addiction. Learn more about Providence Treatment at

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