Philadelphia Sober Living And Comprehensive Aftercare Services

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Transitioning to an excellent sober living community that requires monitoring and participation in the house activities including: daily meditation and meeting attendance, obtaining a sponsor, doing step work and reaching out to friends and family in a healthy manner.  A comprehensive aftercare service offers several layered programs including: Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient Program and a General Outpatient Program. Depending on the condition of the patient leaving an Alcohol and Drug Rehab, will inform the decision made by the treatment team, which level of services would be appropriate.The need for quality alcohol and drug rehab aftercare services is growing throughout the country.  Sober living is a component of aftercare services. An addict leaving a primary care, day treatment program should be considered for an array of outpatient services.

The sober living home offers support and direction for the resident who may be in an extended and aftercare outpatient program. At Providence Treatment House often our residents have already been to a Fellowship meeting in the area prior to attending their clinical program. In the evening, residents either attend a second AA meeting, or work on step work assigned by their sponsor. This lifestyle ensures that recovery and their sobriety is above all else!

If you, or a loved one is seeking a quality aftercare service and sober living, please call us today at (215) 834-7979 or visit us at:

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