Addiction Blog

Woman who is thankful for addiction rehab for healthcare workers

Rehab for At-Risk Professions: Addiction High Among Health Care Workers

While there is no field that has not been infiltrated by drug and alcohol dependency, health care professionals are at especially high risk for substance ...
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man hiding in plain sight

Hiding in Plain Sight, Cultivating a presence in your life

I recently heard this quote from a patient in session while describing herself during her active opiate abuse. I was struck by this, since many ...
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Man walking on a high wire

Fear Itself Is Not Be Feared

Have you ever felt a type of fear that cripples your attempts at change? Have you ever identified with fear as a dominant emotion and ...
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Providence Treatment's 2nd Bi-Annual Silent Retreat

Providence Treatment’s 2nd Bi-Annual Silent Retreat

Dr. Greg Gable and Rev, Sandy Morris co-facilitated a Silent Retreat at Pendle Hill Retreat Center, Wallingford PA. Providence Treatment sponsored its 2nd bi-annual Silent ...
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Man learns not to simply react

Nothing happens to us. Learn rather than react.

Much of human interaction involves reactivity. When a person becomes more aware of themselves as a spiritual being, they begin to see how much they ...
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Woman who knows addiction does not discriminate

Addiction Does Not Discriminate

Heather Cook, Maryland’s first woman bishop in the Episcopal Church had a recent fall from grace. She was charged with her 2nd DUI and vehicular ...
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Stay In The Moment

We all too often subscribe to thoughts, feelings and images in our heads (which usually pertain to the past and future) instead of the reality ...
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The Sober Truth book

Critical Look At 12-Step Programs

Psychiatrists Dr. Lance Dodes and Zachary Dodes (father and son) published a book offering critical look at 12-Step Programs in March 2014 called “The Sober ...
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word cloud

Living Providence Value Of Accountability

What it means to you Accountability means we take personal responsibility and ownership for our actions, our decisions, and the effectiveness of our results. Something ...
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Man being a designated driver during holidays

Being Designated Driver During Holidays

Expressing an interest in being a designated driver “DD” is a noble and responsible task. The term originated in Syracuse, NY by Sally Kerwin. Some ...
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