Treatments for Drug Abuse

Doctor explains potential treatments for drug abuse

Drug addiction is a challenging dilemma that many Americans face. However, it doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, young or old; this problem may strike at any one of us. When it does, you want solutions. If you are involved with drug addiction, then you will benefit from various treatments for drug abuse. Participating in addiction treatment services in PA will get you on the right path to healing. Therefore, let’s take a look at how treatments for drug abuse work.

What Are the Treatments for Drug Abuse?

Several components work together to make up a holistic treatment plan for the person in need. For example, most of these are a form of therapy.

Therapy: The core treatment for substance use disorder is therapy. This ensures you have the skills and strategies in place for the future. Some of the therapy treatments for drug abuse include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy —this therapy delves into the patient’s negative thinking patterns and seeks to change them. The thought behind this therapy is that people are motivated emotionally and behaviorally by their thoughts. So, false thoughts about themselves or the world must be challenged
  • Dialectical therapy —this therapy is a type of psychotherapy whereby the person gains help with overwhelming emotions
  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy —this therapy is an extension of cognitive therapy mentioned above. Therapists seek to help the patient change their negative thinking. To achieve this goal, they teach the person meditation-based techniques
  • Trauma therapy —this therapy helps people who have been through trauma in their past. It gets to the root of their trauma-related issues. Often times, people who use drugs have hidden trauma that needs to be revealed

Medication Management

Medication management is another aspect of drug rehab. Many people have a dual diagnosis of mental health disorder along with the substance use disorder. This could be causing them to self-medicate with drugs. They will receive medication for their mental health problems, which also often resolves many issues relating to the substance use disorder.

Relapse Prevention Plan

Finally, the last part of a comprehensive drug treatment plan is relapse prevention. Patients must have a strong plan in place to aid them when reentering the real world. Relapse prevention involves teaching patients learning strategies for the future. Patients will have access to resources and education that prepares them for temptations and cravings they may face. Furthermore, patients can attend life skills sessions that focus on reentry to life.

Hope for Addiction

At Providence Treatment, our highly trained team will lead you to a place of hope.

We offer a diverse range of treatment programs some of which include:

  • Intensive family therapy
  • Mindfulness Training & Non-Dualistic Meditation
  • Relapse prevention and comprehensive evaluation
  • Professional Laboratory Monitoring
  • Psychological Testing
  • Medication Management

Don’t let substance abuse and addiction take over your life. You can overcome addiction with the treatments for drug abuse you receive at Providence Treatment. If you need help getting clean, then contact us at [Direct], and you can begin your recovery as soon as possible.

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